Every herb garden should be given plenty of room for thyme. But did you know that creeping thyme makes a good ground cover? The more you walk on it, the better it grows. And the sweet scent as the natural oils are released by your footsteps is sure to calm your nerves.
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Thyme, an Ancient Herbal Remedy
Natural Herbal Medicine Proven over Time
Jul 13, 2009 Patrice Campbell

Thyme, A Natural Homemade Herbal Remedy -Zsuzsanna Kilián
During the period of the Crusades, ladies embroidered thyme sprigs of the sleeves of their knight’s before they went off to battle. Hundreds of years ago, thyme worn in the hair of a maiden meant she was available for marriage.
One of the oldest herbal remedies, the use of thyme is documented on Egyptian papyri dating back to about 1600 BC. At one time a tincture of thyme was used as a homemade headache remedy and to prevent nightmares.
Read more at Suite101: Thyme, an Ancient Herbal Remedy: Natural Herbal Medicine Proven over Time http://www.suite101.com/content/thyme-an-ancient-herbal-remedy-a131754#ixzz1EXLVOMk4
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