Monday, December 28, 2009

Soothe Away Holiday Stress with a Homemade Herbal Facial Mask

Homemade, economical skin care is always available in a kitchen with herbs. Soothe away holiday stress with a homemade herbal facial mask formulated just for your skin type.

Start with a base of 3 tablespoons yogurt or buttermilk and 2 tablespoons of honey.

If you have oily skin, turn the mask into an herbal remedy by adding a tablespoon of chopped sage.
An herbal cosmetic aid for dry skin can be made by adding a tablespoon of dried elderflower powder.
Those lucky people with normal skin will benefit with an herbal face mask made by adding a tablespoon of dried chamomile powder.
  • Mix the herb with the yogurt or buttermilk in a small bowl.
  • Place another tablespoon of the chosen herb into a teacup or mug, cover with hot water and let it brew.
  • Spread the mask over your clean face and relax for at least 20 minutes.
  • Strain the cup of tea and use it to gently remove the mask.
If any of the herb is left, brew a cup of  herbal tea and continue relaxing.

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